
August 1978

The office of Dr. Jeremy Szeto is a comprehensive family medicine practice, however the original office of Dr. Szeto started out as a pediatric clinic in August 1978 by Dr. Kin Szeto. Dr. Kin Szeto has practiced for over 38 years and is known as one of the first Chinese pediatricians to practice in Sugar Land, Texas.

July 2007

Dr. Jeremy opened his practice in July 2007 and had the privilege of working side-by-side with his father for over 10 years. During this time Dr. Jeremy enhanced his concepts of practice that are the foundation of the unique model of healthcare that exists today.

Dr. Jeremy Szeto in 2007

Present Day

Healthcare and medicine have changed since opening his practice over 15 years ago. Dr. Jeremy has been able to adapt to the needs of his patients in order to provide them with the best possible care. He is committed to excellence and strives to refine his approach to meet the needs of all his patients. Dr. Szeto views medicine today as a journey –and he looks forward to traveling this path with you.

Dr. Jeremy Szeto current day